The legendary Jackalope is native to the North-Midwest and South-Western parts of the United States. Although they were thought to be extinct after being wiped out due to over-hunting during the last two centuries, it appears they have been making a comeback. Sightings have been reported in South Dakota, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.  We shot this photo of a jackalope that has been raiding our chile-patch, near Chimayo. Jackalopes love chile--a few jackalopes can wipe out an entire chile-field in only a few hours. 

New Mexico Jackalope
Jackalopes look pretty cute, but if you see one in the wild be very careful; they can be extremely dangerous. Avoid making any eye contact with the animal and walk away slowly, without turning your back on it. If he charges, you are very likely to be injured. Jackalopes use their horns to puncture and lacerate your legs; if are lucky enough to avoid bleeding to death from damage to a major artery, the wounds will likely become badly infected and you could lose a limb. 

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